3 Easy Cocktails To Make This Holiday Season

It’s finally December, and you know what that means! It’s time to buy everyone you know gifts, checking your list twice, and figuring out new, creative and safe ways to spend time with your family. 

The holidays are finally dawning upon us and there is so much to plan over the next few weeks. One of the biggest changes this year is how we will be spending time around friends and family. Classic gatherings such as Secret Santa, White Elephant, or even your regular office party will be done very differently this year. 

While our plans will not be the same this year, we wanted to share with you 3 fun, easy-to-make cocktail ideas to share with your friends during your Zoom holiday parties this season. 

Mulled Wine

A seasonal staple, mulled wine is the favored drink around this time of the year. Infused with baking spices, this drink will keep you warm on the coldest of nights. The aromatic smell will also be delightful to have in your home and will bring that magical spirit. 

Pair off your mulled wine with these gorgeous glasses from Amazon; we highly recommend treating yourself this holiday season!

Spiced Manhattan Cocktail

A twist on one of the most classic bar drinks, this recipe adds some new flavors to the traditional cocktail. The touch of spices adds warmth and bursts of flavor that is fitting for the holiday season.

Looking for some festive glasses to serve your Manhattan? Check out these gorgeous ones from CB2!

Citrus-Cinnamon Punch

Cinnamon is a common spice in holiday drinks. However, mixing cinnamon with citrus alongside your favorite cognac or Grand Marnier takes a refreshing spin on a traditional punch.

Bonus: If you’re on the hunt for some new cocktail glasses for hosting, we recommend you check out Anthropologie’s colorful collection of glasses!

Despite having to change up our traditions because of COVID, this year gives us the chance to start some new ones with the ones that we love. 

Let us know if you try any of these holiday cocktail recipes in the comments below!

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